If you have been if you have been the victim of a crime of violence, including physical and sexual assaults, you can claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. You can have full legal representation from no win no fee assault lawyers.
What does no win no fee mean?
As solicitors we will act for you on a no win no fee basis, which means you can bring your CICA claim risk free. There are no legal costs unless you are successful. You can pay your legal costs out of the CICA compensation you receive.
What does my lawyer do for me?
No win no fee assault lawyers will spend time with you understanding why the assault occurred, and how your injuries affect you. We will need your Police Crime Reference Number, and details of your GP and any Hospitals you have attended as a result of the assault.
We will prepare and submit your claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). We will be in regular contact with the CICA to find out how your claim for criminal injuries is progressing.
How does the CICA calculate compensation for an assault?
The CICA will initially obtain a Police Report, to check that your version of events is the same as the one we submitted for you. Once they are happy with the report, they will obtain medical evidence to show what injuries the assault has caused.
The CICA will then make an offer of compensation based on the 2012 CICA scheme. This lists about 450 injuries with the amounts of compensation they will pay.
Examples of compensation awarded for assault injuries
Damage to one or more front teeth requiring crowns | £1,000 |
Concussion with ongoing headaches | £1,500 |
Fracture to bone around the eye requiring an operation | £2,400 |
Fractured jaw bone with continuing significant disability | £3,500 |
Permanently & seriously impaired grip | £6,200 |
Scarring causing serious facial disfigurement | £11,000 |
Your no win no fee assault solicitors will calculate how much compensation you should receive, using a CICA compensation calculator.
There are also time limits in which a claim should be made which can be checked on our CICA time limits calculator.
Providing the offer from the CICA is the same as the figure calculated your solicitors will recommend you accept the offer. If it is not, as you have a no win no fee agreement, you can seek a review of the CICA decision without incurring any legal costs. The no win no fee assault agreement will cover the review.
If for any reason you are not successful your will have no legal costs.
Call no win no fee assault solicitors on 0113 320 5000 or email cica@winstonsolicitors.co.uk or complete our online application form and we'll get back to you. We also offer same day claim submission. All you need is your police crime reference number.
We work for you on a no win no fee basis. The legal term for this agreement is known as a Contingency Fee Agreement. It essentially means that if for whatever reason your claim is not successful, providing the information you provide to us is true to the best of your knowledge and the failure is not your fault, you do not pay anything to us. In the event that your claim is successful we will deduct a fixed fee of your overall compensation amount. If you are successful, the minimum award available under the CICA scheme is £1000.00, meaning £250.00 + VAT would be deducted in respect of legal costs.
Experience tells us that it is beneficial to the overall success of your claim, to instruct a solicitor at the very start. The CICA do not offer a solicitor to you and you are able to apply directly; however, without extensive knowledge of the scheme we see too often that applicants who have applied directly, face trouble and stumbling blocks along the way. By instructing Winston Solicitors you are receiving specialist advice from our Criminal Injury Lawyers, representation throughout your claim, including at Review and Appeal stage if required. We will ensure that you achieve the maximum award for your injuries, including loss of earnings and special expenses where applicable.
The duration of a CICA claim can vary, but on average, it takes between 12 to 18 months to settle. Some claims may be resolved more quickly if the police investigation is complete and all necessary medical evidence is available and up-to-date. For more specific information on the timeline of your claim, consult with our knowledgeable CICA claim solicitors at Winston Solicitors.