It can be a big step deciding to make a criminal injuries compensation claim. Our compensation calculator gives you an idea of the compensation you may be entitled to. The following video explains how to use the online calculator and what information you need to work out the compensation.
You need to add the injuries you have received following the incident. If you have multiple injuries and scarring you need to add these to the calculator as separate injury types. Choose the first one to add and then you will have the option to add further injuries at a later stage.
Please remember to include details such as operations as a result of the injuries you received, to which part of your body the injury was and how significant any scarring may be. There will be multiple options to choose from as you go through the process.
If you do have multiple injuries then the most serious injury is awarded at 100%. Any further injuries are then awarded at reduced rate. For instance a second injury is awarded at 30% of the total award for that injury and a third injury is 15% of the total award for that specific injury. Each award is added together to calculate the full compensation you may be entitled to.
Providing you have no previous convictions and you co-operate with the police and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority then you may be eligible to receive the full award you are entitled to. The amounts calculated apply to the new Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA) rules which do not allow for payments to be made for certain minor injuries.
Our criminal injuries compensation claims team check your application for free and will contact you to explain how to go forward with your claim. Using our No Win No Fee service means that you only pay legal costs if your claim is successful.
To talk to one of our specialist compensation claims advisors about your own situation please call us on 0113 320 5000.