The Best Family Solicitors in Leeds for Divorce Law
As family solicitors in Leeds we will always seek to achieve a fair outcome, enabling you to get on with your life. We can offer support on a range of divorce law issues.
We understand that divorce and dissolution is often an emotional and stressful experience. It is not just a legal process that ends your contract of marriage - it is the effect it has on family and friends. At Winston Solicitors we do not lose sight of this, and our experienced family solicitors in Leeds will tailor divorce and dissolution solutions for your particular situation. We are experienced in every aspect of divorce law.
Divorce Law & Family Solicitors in Leeds Can Help You with Children and Finance Issues
Many people have children and financial issues to sort out when they divorce. These issues are 'ancillary' to the divorce process and you should think of your divorce in three parts:
- Divorce process
- Issues relating to children
- Financial settlements
Our team of family solicitors in Leeds are able to advise you and, if necessary, represent you in court in relation to all of the issues that arise within a divorce. Whether your circumstances are straightforward and your divorce amicable, or if things are more difficult between you, we will help you through this time.
Family Solicitors in Leeds On Hand to Lend Support & Guidance on Divorce Law
For advice and support, please contact your Family Law Solicitors in Leeds on 0113 320 500 or by email
You can also find out what other services we offer at our Leeds Solicitors.
Each divorce follows the same process and there is still no “quickie divorce” despite no-fault divorce being introduced on the 6 April 2022.
If your marriage was legally recognised in the country your marriage took place, you can commence a divorce in England if you are habitually resident or domiciled in England or Wales.
It is rare to have to attend court for a divorce particularly now it is now no longer possible to defend an application for divorce save in very exceptional situations.
You only require either a good colour scan or photograph of the original that is clear and shows all four corners of the document. If the certificate is not in English, you also require an official translation of the certificate.
A divorce is likely to take a minimum of 30 weeks. This process can however be lengthier if there are financial matters to also resolve.
There is no time bar if you wish to remarry in England or Wales but you will need to check the country in which you intend to marry but you must have your Final Order (previously known as Decree Absolute).
You should also check with your solicitor about any effect your remarriage might have on your financial entitlement after your divorce if you have not yet finalised your finances following your divorce/dissolution.
Only certain law firms offer legal aid and to provide this they have to have a contract with the Legal Aid Agency. Legal Aid can provide people with financial assistance to help pay for their legal fees but certain conditions need to be met to be eligible for this.