Will Plan records your assets to make probate easier after your death Skip to main content

Will your executors know what to do when the time comes?

You’ve made a Will – well done, you’ve been organised! 

You want to make it easier for your friends and family once you die. You’ve picked your executors, the people who will administer your estate, and your beneficiaries, the people who will benefit from it.

But are your executors familiar with what makes up your estate?
Do they know all the assets and liabilities within in it?
Will they know where to start?

For them to apply for probate, they need to contact every institution you hold money with or owe money to, to get date of death values. But if they aren’t familiar with all your accounts, investments and possessions, it could take a while to ascertain this info. And as wait times at the Probate Registry are at an all time high, you don’t want to make this process longer.

That’s where Will Plan comes in. It’s a simple but secure app we designed that you can sign up to online. With it, you can list details about all your assets and liabilities as they are today. We will remind you annually to update this or you can log back in whenever you want to update something. When you die, your executors will be able to access Will Plan and it will give them a snapshot of your estate as it was the last time you updated it. This could be invaluable to them in starting the probate process after you die.

And if your executors decide to use our probate service to apply for the grant or to help them administer the whole estate, it will also mean our solicitors can hit the ground running with probate process, as they will have a starting point regarding the details of your finances.

Not only could this speed up the process but it could reduce our fees if we have to spend less time on investigating the details of your resources.

It also means that at a time when your loved ones might not want to think about financial matters, we can get on with our investigations without bothering them about the details more than necessary.

Will Plan is simple to set up and use. Not only that but it offers secure storage of your data, it is GDPR compliant, and it uses two factor authentication for logging into your account.

We will provide you with a ‘bank card’ you can keep in your wallet or at home to say your details are stored with Will Plan, explaining to anyone who finds it when you die what they need to do to start sorting out your estate. We can also provide you with extra cards to give to your executors or next of kin so they know who to come to when the time comes.

Will Plan – a new way to get organised now and provide peace of mind to those closest to you when you die.