Survivor of Historical Abuse Receives 6-Figure Compensation Payout for Damages | Winston Solicitors Skip to main content

Posted on 22 August 2024

Survivor of Historical Abuse Receives 6-Figure Compensation Payout for Damages

Posted in Legal news

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A man who suffered sexual abuse in the 70s has been awarded a 6-figure compensation payout after contacting Winston Solicitors for advice.

CICA Investigated on Historical Abuse Cases 

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (CICA) was under scrutiny for many years for failing to recognise that many children and adults were victims of abuse in their own homes. It’s a common misapprehension that sexual abuse is generally carried out by a stranger, or someone who is not in the victim’s close circle. This is not the case, and sadly sexual abuse can be happening in the one place people are supposed to feel the safest.  

Under the CICA, the “Same Roof Rule,” which came into play in 1979, prevented victims who lived with an abuser at the time the abuse took place from making a claim. Thankfully, this rule was abolished in 2019, which opened the scheme up to many victims of historical abuse who were previously ineligible for compensation.  

6-Figure Compensation Payout Case

In this particular case, the survivor, who is now in his 50s, suffered sexual and physical abuse at the hands of his older brother.

Our client, who understandably wishes to remain anonymous, was advised by the police to make a claim through the CICA for compensation. He took their advice and started the process of making the claim, but found the process with the CICA to be difficult to navigate. As such, he sought legal advice from our team of CICA experts. Winston Solicitors was able to advise him on what steps to take and took over his claim shortly after he applied.  

“From the start of my claim the CICA made things very difficult for me. I received much contradictory information, and it became clear to me that pursuing a claim independently was not something I could cope with. I was under a lot of mental pressure with the case that was brought against my abuser, and I did not have the mental strength to deal with all the hoops the CICA seemed to want me to navigate. With this in mind, I Contacted Winstons Solicitors and instructed them to represent me in my claim process.”

Our client brought a claim for a Criminal Injuries compensation payout after reporting his abuse 35 after the fact. We were pleased to have a successful outcome: his compensation payout was £165,000.

Historical Abuse Can Affect People Their Whole Lives

As a result of the abuse, our client sustained permanent mental health problems, requiring various mental health experts to treat his needs. The damage caused by the historical abuse he suffered means that he is now unable to work. Therefore, it was important that we were able to secure him a significant settlement. The compensation payout was intended to assist with his recovery, including his therapy needs. As well as helping with financial commitments, a compensation payout would give our client a sense of justice for the abuse he has suffered at the hands of his brother. Closure can be extremely important in the healing process.

“As a practice that deals with such claims, I would say [Winston Solicitors] made the process straight forward. They kept me informed of developments and requested the further information and evidence needed much more easily than I could have done. I can say without a doubt, had I not had Winstons represent my claim for the damage that was done to me and the effect that still has on my life, I would have not pursued the legitimate claim I had for criminal injuries compensation. I would strongly recommend Winston Solicitors if you considering making a claim with the CICA.”

Why is Legal Help So Important in Pursuing a Compensation Payout?

It can be very beneficial to seek legal advice in these situations. Seeking legal action helps victims feel that their suffering is acknowledged and taken seriously. It can be a critical step in their healing process, providing a sense of validation. In some cases, getting legal representation can hold perpetrators accountable for their actions, even years after the abuse occurred. This can bring a sense of justice to the victim and prevent further abuse by the same individuals.

Survivors of historic abuse may be entitled to a compensation payout for the trauma they have endured, as in this case. These compensation payouts can be complicated to obtain and the right legal advice can make the process a lot clearer.

Engaging with the legal system can connect victims with additional support services, including counselling and advocacy, which are essential for their recovery.

Addressing historical abuse legally can help break the silence and stigma that often surrounds sexual abuse, encouraging others who have suffered to come forward. While the process can be challenging, it can also provide a sense of closure for victims, helping them move forward with their lives.

The CICA process can be difficult to navigate and can often take a long time when applied to directly. We have found that by using a legal representative, the compensation payouts made can be higher and claims will often settle much more quickly.

Are You a Survivor of Sexual Assault or Sexual Abuse? 

Winston Solicitors have a dedicated team of experts, specialising in claims through the CICA, particularly victims of abuse and sexual assault.

If you are a survivor of sexual assault or sexual abuse, whether recently or in the past, you may be eligible for a compensation payout. Call our team of specialists on 0113 320 5000. They will be able to advise you on your next steps. Alternatively, you can email @email.