Legal news
Lawyers vying to become MPs - how did they fare in the election?
Some people are gluttons for punishment. From one tough career to another, we have been tracking the progress of a group of lawyers and barristers who as parliamentary candidates were vying to become fully fledged MP’s in the General Election 2010.
Here’s how some of them got on:
- Jeremy Brier CON (Barrister, Essex Court Chambers)
Luton North – second place losing to LAB Kelvin Hopkins
- Joanna Shaw LIB (Barrister, One Essex Court)
Holborn and St Pancras – second behind Frank Dobson LAB
- Bambous Charalambous LAB (In-house Lawyer Hackney Council)
Enfield Southgate – second behind David Burrowes CON
- Hamish Sandison LAB (Partner, Field Fisher, Waterhouse)
Monmouth – second place, lost out to David Davies CON
- Serena Tierney LIB (Consultant Wragge & Co)
Sussex Mid – second behind the indomitable Nicholas Soames CON
- Donald Cameron CON (Advocate Murray Stable)
Ross, Sky and Lochaber – fourth with one Charles Kennedy LIB winning the seat. Weirdly, the Labour candidate in this seat John McKendrick also works for Murray Stable. Imagine the banter!
In summary – all six failed to get a seat. Back to the day job people!