Can an employer cancel an employee's pre-booked leave? | Winston Solicitors Skip to main content
Can an employer cancel an employee's pre-booked leave?

Posted on 5 May 2023

Can an employer cancel an employee's pre-booked leave?

Posted in Advice

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Can an employer cancel an employee's pre-booked leave without any consequences?

While employers are generally entitled to dictate when annual leave must be taken and can refuse requests for particular dates or time periods, cancelling pre-booked leave requires careful consideration and compliance with employment law.

When cancelling an employee's pre-booked leave, employers must have a legitimate business reason, such as a new critical deadline, increased workload, or unexpected staff absences. Employers should set out in their employees' contracts of employment the circumstances under which pre-booked leave can be cancelled and any associated conditions. It is also essential to consider reasonable alternatives to cancelling leave, as breaching Working Time Regulations can result in legal repercussions. Employers must ensure that the employee does not lose any holiday entitlement from the cancellation, and if the employee is prevented from taking their holiday in the current year, allowing for holiday days over the statutory minimum amount to roll over into the next holiday year.

If it is agreed that the cancelled leave can be taken at another time during the current holiday year, it may also be agreed that the leave can be rolled over into the next year, subject to the employer's discretion unless stated otherwise in the employee's contract. Before cancelling an employee's pre-booked leave, employers must give notice, preferably in writing and with as much notice as possible. The notice period should be at least the same length as the period of leave booked, meaning if an employee has booked a week's leave, the employer must give notice of cancellation at least a week before the first day of that leave.

Cancellation of pre-booked leave can result in the employee incurring financial costs. The employer's responsibility for those costs could be covered in the employee's contract terms or paid at the employer's discretion. However, cancelling leave can cause disputes about financial loss and often leads to disappointment and poor morale, so employers must give careful consideration to all matters before taking such action.

If employers do not give proper notice, do not allow employees to take their correct annual leave entitlement for the year, or do not have a legitimate business reason for cancelling their holiday, employees may challenge the legality of the action. Employees can raise a grievance and/or bring a claim for breach of contract and/or constructive unfair dismissal if their annual leave is cancelled in the incorrect manner. If in doubt, it is always prudent to seek professional advice before taking any action to cancel annual leave.

Can employees cancel their pre-booked leave?

Unless there is a contractual entitlement, by law, employers do not have to agree to cancel pre-booked annual leave at an employee's request. The only exception is when an employee is on sickness absence and, therefore, cannot take annual leave at the same time. In that case, the employee should follow the employer's sickness absence procedures and be allowed to take the annual leave missed because of sickness at another time, ensuring they keep their full entitlement.

It is always best to maintain goodwill and positive morale, where possible, by considering postponing and rebooking leave to a mutually convenient time for the employer and employee.

To conclude, employers must have a legitimate business reason, comply with employment law, and consider reasonable alternatives before cancelling an employee's pre-booked leave. Employees cannot generally cancel their pre-booked leave without employer agreement, unless sickness prevents them from taking annual leave or their contract states otherwise. cancelling leave without proper notice, a legitimate business reason, or without considering reasonable alternatives can result in legal repercussions, including grievances and claims for breach of contract and/or constructive unfair dismissal.